1) My book is dull, … is very interesting. a) you b) your c) yours 2) The pupils played … after school. a) hockey b) the hockey c) in hockey 3) She is fond of listening … a) music b) to music c) by music 4) Many pupils go … by a school bus. a) home b) to home c) to the home 5) He … the book at home a) forget b) stayed c) left 6) Look! It … a) snows  b) snowed c) is snowing 7) … you … the film before? a) Do…see b) Did…saw c) Have…seen 8) I have been ill … three weeks. a) for b) since c) from 9) There were only … people in the park. a) a few b) little c) many 10) Would you like … your holidays in Egypt? a) spending b) to spend c) to spending


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