Underline, bold, italics and highlighting - Draw attention to specific bits of information and signal that it's an important bit of information to remember., Headings and subheadings - Found at the top of a document or head the individual paragraphs and sections. Summarise what you're about the read., Font (style, size and colour) - Highlight important information, can add variety and interest to a page, can be used to match the content and can make texts more accessible. , Diagrams, charts, graphs, tables and maps - Visual to help organise, explain and demonstrate the writer's ideas, information and data., Textbox - Text in a box separate to the main text., Pictures and illustrations - Support the text, provide support to the written text and add visual appeal. 'Seeing is believing' or 'a picture speaks a 1000 words'., Bullet Points - Draw attention to the main points, outline details or examples and outline things you need to remember., Numbered lists - Gives an order or hierarchy to the points, instructs you on which parts to read first and is typical in recipes/DIY manuals.  , Paragraphs - Splits larger sections of texts in chunks - each new topic warrants a new section. Easier to read than one large block of text. , Footnotes - Found at the bottom of the page - adds extra information that wasn't included in the text., Columns - Found in newspapers and magazines. Multiple sections/columns of writing which allow the writer more flexibility in positioning photos and articles., Weblinks and hyperlinks - Found online. Often appear in blue and are underlined. They direct you to different webpages. , The menu - Found at the bottom of magazines and newspapers (both in print and online) to outline the related articles and featured stories. , Logo - Symbol adopted by an organisation to identify its products/brand. , Comment box/section - Allow people to discuss a story/article/text in a designated section., Tabs - Online pages on a website, helps you to organise the different information and locate it more easily. , Search bar - Allows you to search for the information you're looking for online. , Adverts - Can be found in print or online. Sponsoring a company, product or brand., Page positioning - Where text or images are placed on a page may help to draw the readers eye and help information stand out. ,

Organisational Features Quiz


Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?