1) a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television a) actor b) script c) plot d) extras 2) illusion created by props, camerawork, computer graphics, etc. a) soundtrack b) special effects c) lighting d) audience 3) the place where the film is being shot at a) sequel b) script c) set d) plot 4) the written text of what happens in every scene of a film a) review b) script c) soundtrack d) dubbed 5) the main events of a play, novel or film a) script b) cast c) plot d) review 6) the group of actors taking part in a production a) crew b) director c) cast d) audience 7) the spectators of a film a) extras b) cast c) audience d) crew 8) captions displayed at the bottom of a movie that translate the dialogue a) subtitles b) dubbed c) soundtrack d) script 9) a film provided with a soundtrack in a different language from the original a) dubbed b) special effects c) subtitled d) extras 10) a recording of the musical accompaniment of a film a) dubbing b) subtitles c) soundtrack d) special effects 11) a style or category of a film a) scene b) cast c) review d) genre 12) a movie that continues the story of an earlier one a) series b) trilogy c) prequel d) sequel 13) a critical judgement of a film, that can be published in a blog, newspaper or magazine a) review b) scene c) plot d) script 14) a person who writes film reviews for magazines, websites or newspapers a) critic b) star c) crew d) director 15) the most important actor on the set a) star b) cast c) extras d) critic

INC 7A - Movie Vocabulary


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