1) One fun activity you did during the summer holiday. 2) Use 4 words to describe your feelings about getting back to school. 3) Things you have learned this summer vacation. 4) Name 3 things you have in your bag. 5) Your goal for this school year. 6) 3 Things you did this summer vacation. 7) How many brothers and sisters do you have? 8) The best thing about you is... 9) Name 5 things you see in this classroom 10) What are you good at? 11) Use 4 words to describe yourself. 12) What are your hobbies? 13) What is your dream? 14) What do you want me to know about you. 15) What do you like to learn this year? 16) What are you most proud of? 17) What helps you study best? 18) Name 5 things you noticed at this school 19) What is your favourite colour?  20) What is your lucky number?

Back to school 2021


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