1) Which tribe lived in an area that was freezing most of the year? a) Inuit b) Lakota c) Iroquois d) Kwakiutl e) Pueblo 2) This tribe grew the three sisters using irrigated farming. a) Pueblo b) Inuit c) Lakota d) Kwakiutl e) Iroquois 3) Salmon was their main source of food. a) Kwakiutl b) Pueblo c) Inuit d) Lakota e) Iroquois 4) Which tribe lived in wigwams and long houses? a) Kwakiutl b) Iroquois c) Pueblo d) Lakota e) Inuit 5) Buffalo was extremely important to this tribe. a) Kwakiutl b) Inuit c) Pueblo d) Lakota e) Iroquois 6) Which tribe lived in the Basin and Range region? a) Inuit b) Kwakiutl c) Pueblo d) Lakota e) Iroquois 7) Which two tribes grew the three sisters? a) Pueblo & Kwakiutl b) Pueblo & Iroquois c) Pueblo & Inuit d) Pueblo & Lakota 8) Which two tribes lived in sod huts? a) Inuit & Pueblo b) Inuit & Iroquois c) Inuit & Kwakiutl d) Inuit & Lakota 9) This tribe followed the Caribou. a) Inuit b) Pueblo c) Kwakiutl d) Iroquois e) Lakota 10) Which two tribes had an abundance of food and lived in different types of wooden homes? a) Kwakiutl & Pueblo b) Kwakiutl & Inuit c) Kwakiutl & Lakota d) Kwakiutl & Iroquois

American Indians


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