1) One of your _____________ will be to make sure all the lights are off in the office each night a) responsibilities b) working hours c) applicants d) qualifications 2) The boss _____________ the workers’ respect by working as hard as they did. a) won b) owned c) made d) did 3) She has loved books since she was a child, so she really enjoys her job as ______________. a) an accountant b) a librarian c) an electrician d) a soldier 4) Some teenagers have _______________ jobs that let them work and study at the same time. a) dead-end b) stressful c) manual d) part-time 5) After thirty-five years of doing a great job at the company, Bob _____________. a) retired b) earned c) interviewed d) hired 6) My aunt is a _____________. She books trips for people who want to go abroad. a) technician b) lawyer c) politician d) travel agent 7) One of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make is choosing your _____________. a) quality b) benefit c) park d) career 8) The police officer saved the child and was given an award for __________. a) ambition b) bravery c) hope d) envy 9) If you want to _________________ a success in this business, you’ll have to go to Hollywood a) make b) have c) do d) be 10) If I were you, I ___________ this dress to the interview. It really suits you. a) would wear b) will wear c) will have won d) wear 11) Of course I ______________ him if I had known that he had no qualifications. a) shouldn't have hired b) wouldn't hire c) won't hire d) wouldn't have hired 12) If you __________ from the company, you get fired. a) steal b) will steal c) would steal d) can steal 13) ‘Is it two o’clock already?’ ‘Yes, but providing we leave now, we ___________ late for the meeting.’ a) will be b) won't be c) would have been d) wouldn't be 14) ‘If you need help with the printer, __________ me .’‘OK. Thank you.’ a) should ask b) you would ask c) ask d) you will ask 15) ‘I should have gone to university.’ ‘Yes. You ______________ more successful if you had gone.’ a) would be b) will be c) may be d) were 16) If I had become a doctor, I would ____________ lots of money now a) had b) to have c) have d) having 17) "What ________________ if you won lots of money?’ ‘I’d start my own computer company.’ a) would you do b) would you have done c) will you do d) should you have done 18) ‘Peter hasn’t got a job.’ ‘If he __________ more ambitious, he would have one." a) is b) were c) will be d) was being


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