1)  As you look from left to right across a period, electronegativity a) increases b) decreases 2) Atomic radius generally increases as we move __________. a) down a group and from right to left across a period b) up a group and from left to right across a period c) down a group and from left to right across a period d) up a group and from right to left across a period 3) What is the meaning ionization energy a) The amount of energy required to remove 1 mole of electron from the ground state of gaseous or ion b) a measure of ability of an atom to attract electrons c) the energy required to add an electron to a specific atom d) the energy required to shield the outer electrons from the nucleus 4) As we go down the group , ionization energy will ______. a) increase b) decrease 5) when we move down the periodic table atoms get bigger. This is because ____________. a) The atom have more mass b) The atoms have less proton c) The atoms have more energy levels occupied by electron d) The atom has stronger zeff 6) Electron affinity __________ from left to right within a period and __________ from top to bottom within a group. a) decrease , increase b) increase , increase c) increases ,decreases d) constant , increases 7) What is the type of block of Sodium element (Na). a) P b) D c) S d) F 8) List the following in order of weakest to strongest ionization energy .(Li,N,O,F) a) Li,O,N,F b) Li,N,O,F c) F,N,O,Li d) F,O,Li,N 9) Which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius? a) Sodium b) Argon c) Aluminium d) Sulfur e) Chlorine 10) Which of the following will have a higher electronegativity than chlorine (Cl)? a) Arsenic b) Oxygen c) Carbon d) Sodium  11) The electronegativity of  chlorine is the highest in Period 3. Why? a) chlorine is the largest and has the greatest effective nuclear charge b) chlorine is the smallest and has the lowest effective nuclear charge c) chlorine is the largest and has the lowest effective nuclear charge d) chlorine is the smallest and has the greatest effective nuclear charge 12) The tendency of an atom to attract electrons and acquire a negative charge a) Electron affinity b) Electronegativity c) Electropositivity d) Ionization energy 13) The element with the largest electronegativity in the halogens is a) F b) Cl c) Br d) I 14) Are Neon have more stable electron configuration than Oxygen? a) Yes b) No 15) Are Boron (B) has more stable electron configuration than Beryllium a) Yes b) No

Chemistry Project Quiz Chapter 4


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