1) Harry is ... than Emma. a) tall b) taller c) the tallest 2) Emma thinks that playing video games is ... than reading books. a) more boring b) boring c) boringer 3) The red bag is ... than the green bag. a) big b) the biggest c) bigger 4) George hates washing the dishes. He thinks it's ... chore of all. a) boring b) more boring c) the most boring 5) Gran is ... cook in the Nichols family. a) the goodest b) the best c) good 6) Emma is ... student than her cousins. a) a gooder b) a better c) the best 7) Mr Nichols is ... person in the family. a) a busyest b) a busier c) the busiest 8) This bag is ... in this shop! a) worse b) the worst c) the baddest

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives


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