What is one of your favorite TV shows?, Do you think it is good for children to watch TV?, What kind of TV programs do you usually watch?, What's your favorite commercial?, What do you think about Reality Shows? Would you participate in one if you were invited?, What's your favourite TV series ?, What makes a good TV series ?, What's your top 3 must watch TV series ?, What's the worst TV series you ever watched?, What genres of movies do you like?, What's your favorite movie of all time?, What's the worst movie you have ever seen?, Do you like animated movies? Or are they just for kids?, How long should a movie be? How long is too long?, How do you choose which movie to watch? By the genre? The director? The main star?, Do you mind reading subtitles when you watch a foreign language film, or would you prefer it to be dubbed into your own language?, Do you think age restrictions for films and TV series are effective?, Are you looking forward to any upcoming movies? , What's your favourite book of all time? What about the least favourite ?, Heroes or Villains ?, Who's your favourite character from all time? (book, Tv series, Films, games, etc), If you were able to be reborn in a world from a series/film/book/etc, where would you be born?, Does reading or watching something affects your mood ? How ?, What's your top 3 must read books ?, What's your top 3 must watch films ?, What was the most desapointing film/series/book you've watched/read?, Cinema or Netflix (streaming)?, What video game would you recommend to a new player?, What games did you use to play when you were a kid?, What's your favourite game? , Spoilers: What are your thoughts ?, What's your favourite singer/band ?, What's tour favourite soundtrack ?, What's the best plataform or plataforms to consume digital media ?, If you were staying in a desert island  for a year, what  stuff  would you bring with you to stay entertained?, How often do you read comic books?, Do you buy physical copies of songs or albums? If not, where do you get your music from? , What song best represents you, or your attitude to life?, What's your favorite music video? Do videos help you enjoy the music more?, What's your favourite TV series opening?, Do you like to go to musicals? What is your favorite musical?, What's the worst song ever written ? What about the worst singer/band ?, Films/series adapted from books/comics/games: Yeah or nah ?, Podcast is the new radio: Agree or disagree ?, If you could delete any character from any story, who would you delete? Why ?, How much is a "okay" amount to spend on entertainment monthly ?, Comics and cartoons are for kids: Agree or disagree ?, Music, games, films/series or books: Which one could you live without ?, What's the most surprising film you ever watched ?, What's the most surprising book you ever read ?.

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