1) ................................. is a kind of energy you can see. a) Light b) Reflection  c) Refraction  d) Absorption  e) Mirror  f) Path  2) .........................is the bouncing of light off of an object. a) Light b) Reflection c) Refraction d) Absorption e) Mirror f) Path 3) ................is the bending of light when it moves through one kind of matter to another. a) Light b) Reflection c) Refraction d) Absorption e) Mirror f) Path 4) ....................... is the taking in of light by a material. a) Light b) Reflection c) Refraction d) Absorption e) Mirror f) Path 5) Some sources of light give off ............................... a) fun b) bun c) heart d) heat e) fan f) hurt 6) Light from the sun is ..................... light a) mirror  b) house c) nation  d) path  e) artificial f) natural 7) Light from a light bulb is ........................... light a) artificial b) natural c) house d) path e) mirror f) nation 8) ....................................is a piece of glass with a metal coating in the back a) Light b) Reflection c) Refraction d) Absorption e) Mirror f) Path

What is light?


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