1) When a person is 20% or more above their weight for their height? a) obesity b) high cholesterol c) diabetes d) high blood pressure 2) What are the causes of obesity? a) Lack .of exercise b) Emotional reasons c) High intake of water d) Poor nutritional knowledge e) Too much fruit 3) What are some health problems associated with obesity? a) Low BMI b) Heart disease c) Varicose veins d) Energy 4) A person who only eats plant sources. a) Lacto vegetarian b) Vegan c) Pollo vegetarian d) Pesco vegetarian 5) do not eat meat, fish or poultry but do eat animal products a) Vegan b) Pollo c) Lacto vegetarian d) Pesco vegetarian 6) Why do people choose to be vegetarians? a) To get protein b) To increase iron intake c) Ethical reasons d) Health e) Religion 7) What is the RDA for salt? a) 2g b) 10g c) 4g d) 6g 8) Why do we need salt? a) Keeps us alive b) Keeps us warm c) Helps with fluid balance 9) What is cholesterol? a) Helps the heart b) Fat waxy substance that blocks arteries c) Good fat 10) Examples of cardiovascular diseases. a) Heart attack b) Kidney disease c) Stroke d) Blurred vision

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