I don't like to ______ the ironing, Don't ____ a noise! The baby's asleep., I only ____ the laundry on Monday., I can't leave home in the morning if I haven't _____ the bed, Please ____ the table. We're eating in 5 minutes., How often do you ____ yoga?, My daughter has _____ a lot of friends at her new school., Can I use your phone? I need to ____ a call., He's so messy! He never ____ away his clothes., I ____ a mistake when I told her my secret., Please ___ the exercise 3, page 40, She didn't have time to ____ lunch, so she ate out., My fridge is empty, I need to ___ the shoppng., You've let your towel on the floor. Please ____ it up., Did you ____ anything exciting last weekend?, He arrived late and _____ a silly excuse about the traffic..

What's the missing verb?


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