1) When we got in the boat, I was surprised to discover that it was _______________spacious. It looked tiny from the outside. a) quite b) a bit c) absolutely d) slight 2) I've never met him but people say he's ______________ a womanizer. a) totally b) a bit of c) a bit d) absolutely 3) The high street was ________________ packed with tourists on Sunday. I believe it must have been due to the long weekend. a) very b) a bit c) absolutely d) fairly 4) There was ________________ food left by the time we got there. a) hardly any b) a bit c) almost d) quite 5) The curry was ______________ spicy for my liking. a) a bit of b) slight c) a bit too d) complete 6) Why don't you stop? Can't you see that you're making a ______________ fool of yourself? a) little b) a bit of c) almost d) complete 7) It seems ________________ too good to be true, doesn't it? a) hardly b) pretty c) almost d) completely 8) I thought the green area around the building was __________________ nice. a) a bit b) slightly c) completely d) quite 9) The child moved __________________ in his sleep, smiled, and rubbed his forehead against the pillow. a) slightly b) completely c) quite d) really 10) Something I don't like about this street is that houses are __________________ close to each other. a) completely b) quite c) absolutely d) almost 11) It was __________________ essential at that point to hire more staff. a) a bit b) pretty c) absolutely d) extremely 12) To be honest, I found the film __________________ dull. a) bit b) complete c) almost d) rather 13) Working by her side ended up being a __________________ nightmare. a) completely b) real c) bit d) really 14) He seemed __________________ surprised to hear he hadn't made it into the team. a) somewhat b) a real c) almost no d) bit of 15) He's __________________ committed to what we're doing. a) a bit b) totally c) rather d) real



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