1) My dentist __________ me I had good teeth! a) said b) told 2) You __________ that you weren’t coming to my party. a) said b) told 3) The train driver __________ the passengers that the train wasn’t stopping in Brighton. a) said b) told 4) Arnold __________ he’d passed his exams! a) said b) told 5) My boss __________ me he was leaving the company. a) said b) told 6) Your teacher __________ you’d missed three classes this term. a) said b) told 7) The police officer __________ everyone to move out of the way. a) said b) told 8) Who __________ you that I was angry with you? I'm not! a) said b) told 9) Who __________ that classes were canceled today? They aren't! a) said b) told 10) No one __________ we were meeting tonight. We're meeting tomorrow. a) said b) told 11) She __________ that King Street was on the left. a) said b) told 12) I __________ the police officer I couldn’t turn the car around. a) said b) told

Reporting verbs (say \ tell) Life 3


Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?