1) What do people do on public transport or on the street that annoys you? 2) Does smoking bother you? 3) Do people have habits that annoy you? 4) What would you do if you were given the opportunity to be born again, what would you change in your life? 5) What would you do if you always had to tell the truth, what kind of problems would you encounter? 6) What would you do if you could live without sleeping, how would you spend your nights? 7) What would you do if you were given a choice beween great wisdom or great wealth, which would you choose? 8) Is the world more violent today? 9) Can you think of ways to prevent the circulation of fake news? 10) Is fake news used in election campaigns? 11) Are electric cars better for the environment? 12) Should cell phones be banned in classrooms? 13) Should laptops be allowed in classrooms? 14) Are smartphone and television making children unhealthy, distracted, and irritable? 15) Should schools use uniforms? 16) Should time on social media sites be limited to an hour a day? 17) Should violent video games be banned? 18) My top-three foods. Why? 19) My best friends. What do you like about them? 20) My top-three animals. Why? 21) Which has been your most memorable vacation? 22) What’s the best surprise you’ve received? 23) What has been your biggest success so far? 24) Which is the best season of the year? 25) Who has been the most influential person in your life? Why? 26) What is your dream job? Why? 27) Most memorable moment of your life 28) Worst moment of your life 29) What impact does social networking sites have on society? 30) Is the grading system used in our education effective?

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