1 Who’s ... (noisy) person in your family?, 2 What’s ... (famous) place in your home country?, 3 What’s ... (sad) film you have seen?, 4 Who’s ... (rich) person you know?, 5 What’s ... (good) thing to do if you can’t sleep?, 6 Who’s ... (important) person in your life?, 7 What’s your ... (happy), 9 What’s ... (easy) subject at school?, 10 What’s ... (bad) song ever?, 11 What’s ... (boring) lesson at school?, 12 What’s ... (exciting) sport in the world?, 13 What’s .... (beautiful) place in the world?, 14 Who's ... (good) actor in the world?, 15 What’s ... (funny) film ever?, 16 What’s ... (bad) drink you have ever tried?, 17 What’s … (interesting) museum you know?, 18 What’s … (nice) place to go for a day trip?.

Elementary 1 - Superlative Adjectives


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