1) This time next week I ... to Paris a) will flying b) will be flying c) am flying 2) This time tomorrow he ... with his friends. a) will be chat b) will be chatting c) will fly 3) This time next week my parents ... to Rome. a) will be fly b) will be flying c) are fly 4) What ... at 5 tomorrow? a) will you be doing b) will you do c) are you doing 5) What time ... tomorrow? a) will he be studying b) will be studying c) will you studying 6) This time next month I ... my doctor. a) will be visiting b) will be visit c) will visit 7) This time tomorrow, my mum ... my room. a) will clean b) will be cleaning c) will be clean 8) This time in June I ... the exams. a) will be sit b) will sit c) will be sitting 9) This time next month they will be ... to New York. a) fly b) flying c) flies 10) Will you ... eating dinner this time tomorrow? a) will be b) being c) be 11) What time ... studying tomorrow evening? a) will you be b) you will c) you will be 12) This time next week I ... in Bali. a) will be sunbathing b) will sunbathe c) am sunbathing 13) Just think, next Monday you ... in your new job. a) will work b) will be work c) will be working 14) He ... to the meeting, I expect. a) 'll be coming b) 'll be comeing c) 'll be come 15) They ... food at this time tomorrow. a) will cook b) will be cooking c) are cooking 16) I ... to the office at 8 o' clock tomorrow. a) will go b) will be going c) will be go

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