I ____ eat fish. I don't like it. Laura ____ cooks with her mum. She loves helping in the house. Dad, Tommy can dry the dishes today! I ____ do it! I like to save water. I ____ have short showers and I never have baths. My sister uses a lot of water. She ____ turns tap off when she is brushing her teeth. I always do my homework at half past six, but ____ I do it after going to the swimming pool at quarter to eight. Jake plays football six times a week.He ____ plays football. Kate goes swimming four or five times a week. She ____ goes swimming. Ben runs in the morning seven days a week. He ____ runs in the morning. My dad doesn't play sport. He ____ plays sport. I play badminton one or two days every month. I ____ play badminton.

SM3 U3 - Always, sometimes, usually, never


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