1) What would you like to be in the future? I'd like to be a_________. a) pilot b) engineer c) architect 2) What would you like to be in the future? I'd like to be an_________. a) doctor b) teacher c) engineer 3) What would he like to be in the future? a) She'd like to be a nurse. b) I'd like to be a writer. c) He'd like to be an astronaut. 4) What would she like to be in the future?  a) He'd like to be a footballer. b) She'd like to be a singer. c) I'd like to be a teacher. 5) What would they like to be in the future? a) They'd like to be astronauts. b) We'd like to be architects. c) I'd like to be a doctor. 6) Why would you like to be a nurse ? a) Because I'd like to design buildings. b) Because I'd like to look after patients. c) Because I'd like to teach young children.. 7) Why would you like to be a writer ?  Because I'd like to __________________. a) write stories for young children. b) design buildings. c) fly a plane. 8) Why would he like to be a pilot ? Because he'd like to __________________. a) design buildings. b) fly a plane. c) write stories for young children. 9) Why would she like to be an architect ? Because she'd like to __________________. a) fly a plane. b) write stories for young children. c) design buildings. 10) Why would they like to be architects ? a) Because we'd like to fly planes. b) Because they'd like to design buildings. c) Because I'd like to design buildings.

global kids 123 Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future? Grade 5


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