Act of Union 1801 - Following this Act, Irish Parliament was closed and Ireland was directly ruled from Westminister, IRB - Secret nationalist group who wanted total indepencence for Ireland, Home Rule - Dublin parliament for domestic affairs, William Gladstone - Prime Minister of England who supported Home Rule, House of Lords - Second house of Parliament with hereditary and appointed lords, House of Commons - Lower house of Parliament in UK with elected MPs, Kitty O'Shea - Parnell's mistress. Their affair brought his career to an end, Land League - they demanded that Gladstone bring in land reform, Michael Davitt - organised Irish National Land League with Parnell, 3Fs - Fair rent, fixity of tenure and free sale, Land War 1870 - 1880 - Dispute between landlords and tenants turned ugly, Kilmainham Treaty - Treaty between Gladstone and Parnell which promised real land reform,

Charles Stewart Parnell


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