1) I......staying up late a) Am used to b) Used to c) Use to 2) My grandmother..... get water from wells a) Is used to b) Used to c) Using 3) We didn't.... care about baseball a) Use to b) Used to c) Are used to  4) He .....playing card every day a) Used to b) Is used to 5) She ..... read a lot but now she does not have time a) used to b) Am used to 6) We....... eat all the best restaurants a) are used to   b) used to 7) Ahmed........ wearing,, a) used to b) Is used to 8) They......watching movies a) used to b) are used to 9) Ahmed is ....... hard working,but also a) Both b) Not only c) So 10) I.....playing football a) am used to b) used to 11) Either amal...... sara should answer my question a) No b) Or c) Neither 12) Mona is not good at cooking... her mom is a) And b) But c) So 13) If you heat water up to 100..... a) boils b) boiling c) boil 14) Hameed has the same TV......15 years a) Since b) For 15) Rahaf drinks cup of coffee she will ask for .....cup of coffee a) Another b) Other  16) They are going to visit....country a) Others b) another 17) He used to......in london a) Live b) Living c) Lives  18) The kids go to school the .....kids a) Other b) Others 19) I..... my desert by the time the waiter gets me my coffee a) Have finished b) Will have finished c) Will have finish

Good luck🤍💪🏼


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