Evolution-The gradual change in a species over a long period of time, Species- A group of similar organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring, Survival of the Fittest, Overproduction- Organisms produce more offspring than can survive., Variation- Each individual has their own unique combination of traits., Natural_Selection- Nature “selects” characteristics, chromosome- a thread-like strand composed of DNA containing the genes, Phenotype – The physical, observable traits of an organism, Punnett_Square – a chart used to show the possible genetic combinations when crossing two organisms, Recessive – one that does not appear in an offspring when paired with a dominant allele, Trait – a characteristic or quality, Homozygous – an organism that has two of the same alleles for one gene_(trait), Heterozygous – an organism that has two different alleles for one gene_(trait), Genotype – the genetic composition of an organism (the_letters), Gamete – a specialized cell of sexual reproduction (sperm_or_egg), Allele – each of the genetic possibilities_(letters) that will determine the trait when paired together,

Natural Selection, Genetics, & Heredity


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