A: Hi, can I ____ you? B: Yes, please. How ____ is this cup? A: It's £5.99. B: And how much are ____ pens? A: £1. B: OK. Two cups and two pens please. How much is ____? A: That's £13.98, please. Cash or ____? B: Cash, please. ____ you are. A: Thank you. And here's your ____. B: Thank you. A: ____ me. How much is this? B: The desk? ____ £90. A: And ____ much is the chair? B: It's £30. A: OK. The desk and the chair, please. B: ____ £120, please. A: Can I ____ by card? B: Yes, of course. A: Here ____ are. B: Thank you. Here's your ____. A: Thank you.

Roadmap A1. Unit 2D


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