SOMEONE called me. Who ...? - Who called me?, They wanted to see SOMEONE. Who ...? - Who did they want to see?, SOMEONE sold you the car. Who ...? - Who sold you the car?, SOMEONE gave you this money. Who ...? - Who gave you this money?, You told SOMEONE about the contract. Who ...? - Who did you tell about the contract?, SOMEONE complained to the manager. Who ... ? - Who complained to the manager?, SOMEONE wrote a letter to the school? Who ...? - Who wrote the letter to the school?, You didn't like SOMEBODY. Who ...? - Who didn't you like?, SOMEONE opened the window. Who ... ? - Who opened the window?, She asked SOMEONE to help? - Who did she ask to help?, SOMEONE wasn't at the meeting. Who ...? - Who wasn't at the meeting?,

subject / object questions



Ang Flash cards usa ka open-ended nga template. Dili kini makamugna ug mga marka sa leaderboard.

Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?