1) It is a ... . a) bear b) bee c) bird d) butterfly 2) How many letters are there in its name? a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10 3) Odd-one-out. a) giraffe b) elephant c) panda d) zebra 4) Mixed up. a) agot b) eehps c) egirt d) aekns 5) What is this? a) It is a goat. b) It is a donkey. c) It is a horse. d) It is a camel. 6) How many legs has it got? a) 0 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 7) It is a ... . a) monkey b) donkey 8) Odd-one-out. a) cat b) chicken c) cock d) hen 9) Which one of these animals doesn't live here? a) hippo b) sealion c) pig d) fish 10) Which animal gives you milk? a) chicken b) bear c) dog d) cow 11) What colour is this animal? a) red b) grey c) brown d) black 12) This animal comes from Australia. a) True b) False 13) Which animal can't fly? a) bee b) butterfly c) lion d) ladybird 14) Choose the correct spelling. a) hipo b) hippo c) hyppo d) hypo 15) What is NOT its name? a) chicken b) bunny c) hare d) rabbit 16) It is the mouth of a .... a) lion b) crocodile c) tiger d) dog 17) Which animal is its enemy? a) cat b) dog c) tiger d) zebra 18) Which animal has a different colour? a) elephant b) panda c) wolf d) donkey 19) Who is its 'friend'? a) spider b) dog c) gorilla d) kangaroo 20) Which animal has six legs? a) ladybird b) caterpillar c) spider d) fly

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