1) What type of definition states or describes exa ctly the nature, scope or the meaning of something? a) Technical Definition b) Sentence Definition c) Operational Definition d) Extended Definition 2) What is operational definition? a) It follows a set of pattern, more complex are used. b) It is defining a term by using familiar synonyms in parenthesis. c) It states or describes universal meaning of words or phrases . d) It gives precise and communicable meaning by specifying how the idea is measured and applied within a particular field. 3) Which of the following is not a guideline for writing a definition of terms? a) Be accurate , use precise terms b) Be objective. Use facts not opinion c) Use personal experiences  in writing the definition. d) Define terms based on research study 4) What type of definition is being shown in this example: Overweight is a condition when a woman reaches 150 lbs and 160 lbs for men. a) Operational Definition b) Technical Definition c) Sentence Definition d) Expanded Definition 5) Which of the following is a technical definition of self - esteem? a) One`s score on Cooper Smith Self- Esteem Inventory b) Parental perceptions of child self-worth as reported on a questionnaire. c) An individuals subjective evaluation of their own- worth. d) The number of times per hours a participant makes a statement of self-worth.

English 10 - Quarter 4 - Technical and Operational Definition


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