1) Where was the first communist party established? a) Germany b) Japan c) China d) Russia 2) Why did the Russian people revolt against the czar? a) There was no food b) He passed unfair laws c) Unemployment was low d) The army supported them 3) In which type of government is everything owned by the government? a) fascism b) communism c) capitalism 4) In which type of government are land, trade and industry privately owned? a) communism b) fascism c) capitalism 5) Which type of government puts the needs of the nation above the needs of the individual? a) fascism b) communism c) capitalism 6) Where did fascism start? a) China b) Italy c) Germany d) Russia 7) The profits are shared equally among the people a) communism b) fascism c) capitalism 8) The strong rule the weak. a) fascism b) communism c) capitalism 9) People have natural rights. a) capitalism b) communism c) fascism 10) Who led the Nazi party? a) Benito Mussolini b) Joseph Stalin c) Adolf Hitler d) Emperor Hirohito 11) The Tripartite Pact included Germany, ______________________ and Japan. a) Italy b) France c) Russia 12) Where did Germany invade first after WWI? a) Rhineland b) Poland c) Sudetenland 13) When did American neutrality end? a) 1936 b) 1937 c) 1939 d) 1941

Rise of Dictators Newspaper 13


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