1) What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives? 2) Do you think people rely too much on technology? Why or why not? 3) Which piece of technology is most important to you? 4) What is the greatest technological invention in history? 5) In the future, we may see the first driverless cars on the roads. Are there any potential dangers is this happens? 6) More and more people are becoming victims of online crime. Do you think it is better for people to stop conducting business over the internet? 7) How important is it for governments to invest in space travel? 8) Do you think that people fully appreciate the technology that is available to them today? 9) Do you think that machines will become more intelligent than humans one day? When? 10) Do you think we will eventually destroy the world with our technology? Why or why not? 11) Do you think technology will ever allow humans to live forever? 12) Could cloning human being be a good idea? Why or why not? 13) Can a machine create a work of art on its own? 14) In what way could technology be used to deal with climate change? 15) In general, has technology improved the quality of life in the 21st century? 16) How has technology made your job or studies easier / more difficult? 17) Which device do you prefer to use for browsing the internet? Why? 18) Do you think that men and women view technological devices differently? 19) Do you think that the introduction of technology has improved standards of education in schools? 20) What are some reasons that some people are deciding to reduce their use of technology.


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