1) I often ... football with my friends. a) play b) played c) am playing 2) My sister ... her homework at the moment. a) doing b) does c) is doing 3) In the evening I sometimes ... films in English. a) watch b) watched c) am watching 4) We ... to Kaliningrad last year. a) goed b) went c) go 5) The trip ... amazing! a) was b) were c) be 6) We ... a lot of fun! a) were b) had c) did 7) My sister ... to be a vet. a) is wanting b) want c) wants 8) He ... my best friend. a) are b) is c) am 9) She usually ... to bed at around 11 pm. a) goes b) went c) go 10) I always ... breakfast at 7.30. a) have b) had c) is having

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