1) Inertia is a measure of an object's__________________. a) force b) mass c) velocity d) weight 2) The mass of a physics book that weighs 10 N is about______. a) 10 kg b) 5 kg c) 3 kg d) 1 kg 3) Which of the following is an example of a force that acts at a distance? a) Gravitational force b) Normal force c) Tension force d) Electric force 4) A book is resting on a table. Consider the action force to be the normal force exerted by the table on the book. The reaction to this force is the a) normal force of the book on the table b) weight of the book c) weight of the table d) friction between the book and the table 5) The second law of motion is also called as_____________. a) law of inertia b) law of acceleration c) law of interaction d) law of action-reaction 6) All are true about pair of forces except one. Which is it? a) They occur at the same time. b) They act in opposite direction. c) They have the same magnitude. d) They act on the same body. 7) Among the following vehicles with the same speed, which has the greatest inertia? a) tryicycle b) car c) train d) bus 8) An empty truck whose mass is 2000 kg has a maximum acceleration of 1 m/s2. How much is the maximum force force available? a) 2000 kg/m/s b) 2000 kg.m/s2 c) 2000 m/s2 d) 2000 kg/m.s2 9) If two girls will be pushed using the same amount of force, who will accelerate more? a) The thin girl. b) The fat girl. c) Both will have the same acceleration. d) None of them 10) Which of the two girls possesses a greater inertia? a) The thin girl. b) The fat girl. c) Both will have the same inertia. d) None of them. 11) A book is at rest on top of a table. Which of the following is correct? a) There is no force acting on the book. b) There is no force acting on the table c) The book has no inertia. d) The book is in equilibrium. 12) When a certain net force is applied to one brick on a frictionless surface, it accelerates at 6 m/s2. When the same amount of force is applied to three bricks that are cemented together, a) they accelerates at 2 m/s2. b) they accelerates at 6 m/s2. c) they accelerates at 3 m/s2. d) they accelerates at 18 m/s2. 13) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a statement of a) Newton's First Law of Motion. b) Newton's Second Law of Motion. c) Newton's Third Law of Motion. d) Newton's Fourth Law of Motion. 14) The frictional force on a bicycle is 50 N. How much forward force does the cyclist need to exert on the bike to maintain constant velocity? a) 0 N b) 50 N c) More than 50 N d) There is not enough information. 15) A ball free falls from the top of a building because it is pulled by the earth. Which of the following statements is true about the forces of interaction between the ball and the earth? a) The earth's pull on the ball is equal to the ball's pull on the earth. b) The earth's pull on the ball is greater than the ball's pull on the earth. c) The earth's pull on the ball is less than the ball's pull on the earth. d) The earth's pull on the ball is cancelled by the ball's pull on the earth.

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