Do you like pets? Do you have any?, What was the last book you read? Describe the action., Do you like to cook? Why? What is your favourite dish?, Have you ever lived in another country? Would you? Where?, Have you ever met a famous person?, What do you do in your free time?, What kind of food do you prefer eating when you eat out?, What kind of people do you like?, What languages do you know how to speak?, You are here: Home / Icebreakers / Discussion Questions / Small Talk (many random questions), Small Talk (many random questions), Do you like pets? Do you have any?, What was the last book you read?, Do you like to cook?, Have you ever lived in another country?, Have you ever met a famous person?, What do you do in your free time?, What kind of food do you prefer eating when you eat out?, What kind of people do you like?, What languages do you know how to speak?, What was the last movie you have seen?, If you could choose a place anywhere in the world to live for a year, where would it be?, If you could you try any kind of activity, what activity would you try?, What super-power would you most like to have, and why?, If you had $5 million to spend in 5 days, but you could not spend any of it on yourself or your family, what would you do with it?, What would your dream house be like?, If you could change something about the world, what would it be & why?, When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?, What do you prefer – spontaneity or stability?, Do you love kids?, Tell me about a favorite event of your adulthood/childhood., What are your hobbies or special interests?, What do you think the most common crime in your country is?, Should police in your country be stricter or less strict?, Is your country a safe country?, Have you ever seen a crime? (Don’t talk about it if it’s too upsetting for you.), Do you think criminals can change?, Is shoplifting common in your country?, What kind of people shoplift and what kinds of things do they steal?, Does your country have a big organized crime group like the mafia?, Have you ever met someone from a mafia?, What is the best way for police to keep neighborhoods safe?, Can you tell if a kid will grow up to be a criminal?, Have you ever found a smart phone? What did you do? If you haven’t, what do you think you would do?, Would you risk your life to save another person?, Would you jump into a deep river to save a drowning animal?, What should a person do if they find a wallet? What do people usually do? What would you do?, Is stealing ALWAYS wrong? When is it right to steal?, If you could save people by killing one person, would you?, How often do you lie? When is it okay to lie?.

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