If you could have any super power, what would it be?, What would you do if you could speak English perfectly?, If you won the lottery, what wouldn't you buy?, If you could change one thing about your past, what would you change?, Where would you like to go if you won a free plane ticket?, Who would you like to go on a date with if you could choose any celebrity? , If you could be the President of the country, what would you not do?, What would you do if you broke something expensive in a store?, Would you marry an unattractive person if you knew you will be very rich?, If you saw you best friends couple kissing someone else, would you tell your friend?, If a stranger asked you your phone number on the bus, would you give it to him/her? Why?, Would you quit your job to become an influencer?, If your best friend's couple invited you to a romantic date, would you accept?.

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