1) What wins in a free for all fight? a) Death Star (with Storm Troopers and Generals) b) Army of Clones c) 5 Jedi d) The Republic senate house (in star wars, empty) e) A cow f) A beach (with a cliff) 2) What dies first, in a free for all fight? a) Palpatine b) Han Solo c) Chewie d) Dog who walks up to you with a mad face e) Cat that is fat f) Mountain lion 3) What is best at fighting? (No the Force, just who's best at swinging a lightsaber or a sword) a) Cow b) Horse c) Medieval Kid d) Palpatine e) Mace Windu f) Vader 4) What is smartest? a) Palpatine b) Vader c) Young Anakin d) Darth Maul e) General Grievous f) Balrog of Morgoth 5) Who is dumbest? a) Palpatine b) Jar Jar Binks c) Anakin Skywalker d) Mace Windu e) Yoda f) Vader 6) Who dies first in Star Wars? (Starting at The Phantom Menace as the first movie) a) Anakin Skywalker (He did not die when he turned Sith) b) Mace Windu c) Qui-Gon Jinn d) Padme Amidala e) Greedo f) Jabba 7) What happens first in the movies 1-9??? a) Anakin marries Padme b) Palpatine is arrested c) Darth Maul dies d) Qui-gon dies e) Obi-Wan kills Grievous f) Grievous Kills Obi-Wan 8) Which is the weakest? a) Han Solo b) Leia c) Kylo Ren d) Doggie e) Bear f) Goldfish 9) Who is wiser? a) Yoda b) Mace Windu c) Cow d) LeBron James e) Chewie f) Dead guy 10) What is strongest? (they all have a mind of their own) a) Sword b) Lightsaber c) Kid d) Bird e) Repulsorlift (Star Wars kind) f) Chicken Pot Pie stand

Win or Lose, Star Wars quiz


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