1) We’re not ... any new staff at the moment. a) taking on b) keeping down c) catching up 2) The car ... just outside Winchester. a) made out b) broke down c) brought about 3) The puppy had to hurry to ... with its owner. a) set up b) bring about c) keep up 4) It was too noisy and I couldn’t ... what he was saying. a) make out b) keep up c) take on 5) New technology has ... social changes a) made out b) broke down c) brought about 6) If you hurry, you should ... with them at the bridge. a) catch up b) keep up c) set up 7) He had to struggle not to ... to a desire to laugh. a) give up b) give in c) break down 8) All this rain really ... you ... going out after work. a) gives you in b) breaks you down c) puts you off


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