Penis - Becomes stiff and erect and is placed into the vagina of a woman during sexual intercourse so that semen can be ejected, Testes - Produce sperm cells and the Male sex hormone testosterone , Scrotum - Soft Skin sac that holds testes outside the body to keep the testes cooler than the body temperature , Epididymis - Long, coiled tube that store sperm to mature, Urethra - Fine muscular tube that allows the semen and urine through the penis, Vagina - Receives the penis during sexual intercouse and acts as a birth canal during birth. , Cervix - Is the opening from the vagina to the uterus. It closes and tightens during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. , Uterus - Protects and house the embryo during pregancy, Fallopian tube or oviduct - Tube where fertilization takes place. , Ovary - Produces eggs(ova) oestdogen,

HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM AND PUBERTY-Explain the functions of the organs of the reproductive system


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