It was just before midnight on October 31st last year. Susan Lee ____ home after visiting her sister. The road was clear and she ____ carefully. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a young man ____ in front of her. He ____ a dark-coloured raincoat and carrying a backpack. Susan ____ hard on the brake pedal but it ____ too late. She ____ of the car but, to her surprise, there was nobody there. While she ____ under the car, she felt a cold wind on her face and a strange presence that sent shivers down her spine. She was still looking under her car when a lorry ____ behind her. The lorry driver, a middle-aged man, walked up to her and ____ her if she ____ help to start her car so she told him what had happened. He didn't seem surprised when Susan ____ him about the young man. 'In October 1978, ____ a car accident on this road and a hitchhiker was fatally run over. You're not the first to have seen his ghost here', he ____ in a mysterious tone.


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