1) Osmosis is the movement of? a) water from strong solution to a more dilute one b) Salt from a stonger solution to a weaker one c) Water from a weaker solution to a stronger one d) Salt from a weaker solution to a stronger one 2) A semi permeable membrane will allow what to cross? a) water b) sugar c) salt d) protein e) starch 3) Osmosis can only take place in cells? a) Yes b) No 4) sugar can pass freely in and out of a cell? a) Yes b) No 5) salt can pass freely into a cell? a) Yes b) No 6) water can pass freely into and out of a cell? a) Yes b) No 7) Isotonic means? a) the solution is stronger than the concentration of the cell b) the solution is the same concentration as the cell c) the solution is weaker than theconcentration of the cell 8) An equal amount of water will pass in both directions when a cell is in an iostonic solution? a) True b) False 9) A piece of potato placed in a solution of higher water concentration will? a) become flaccid and gain mass b) become flaccid and lose mass c) become turgid and gain mass d) become turgid and lose mass 10) A piece of potato placed in a solution of lower water concentration will? a) become plasmolyzed and gain mass b) become plasmolyzed and lose mass c) become turgid and gain mass d) become turgid and lose mass 11) What type of solution was this red blood cell placed in? a) isotonic b) hypotonic c) hypertonic 12) What type of solution was this red blood cell placed in? a) isotonic b) hypotonic c) hypertonic 13) What type of solution was this red blood cell placed in? a) isotonic b) hypotonic c) hypertonic 14) In which beaker would the cell shrink the most? a) A b) B c) C 15) What would happen to the cell in beaker B? a) It would gain mass. b) It would lose mass. c) It would remain unchanged. d) It would eventually burst. e) It would shrivel up. f) It would have no net change in mass. 16) What would happen to the cell in beaker A? a) It would gain mass. b) It would lose mass. c) It would remain unchanged. d) It would eventually burst. e) It would shrivel up. f) It would have no net change in mass. 17) What would happen to the cell in beaker C? a) It would gain mass. b) It would lose mass. c) It would remain unchanged. d) It would eventually burst. e) It would shrivel up. f) It would have no net change in mass. 18) Which beaker represents a HYPERtonic solution? a) A b) B c) C 19) Which beaker represents a HYPOtonic solution? a) A b) B c) C 20) Which beaker represents a ISOtonic solution? a) A b) B c) C

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