The last time you played a game or sport, A person you spoke to last week , What you had for lunch yesterday , Your last holiday , a frightening experience you had, What you did before class, The last time you went to the cinema , A town or city you lived in when you were a child , The last restaurant you went to , the house you lived in when you were a child , The last time you went to a park , Something interesting you did last week , The last time you woke up late , The last time you went out with your friends , How you came to class today , What you did last weekend , The last time you were bored , The last time you spent a lot of money , The last time you felt very tired , a party you didn't enjoy, A hobby you had in the past, but you don't now, The first time you went to another country , What we studied in the last class, The last time you cooked some food , The last time you walked very far , A place you visited last year , The last time you went to a zoo, A holiday you didn't enjoy very much , The last time you came home late .

Past simple - Talk about...


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