1) What are you keen ... ? a) in b) on c) about d) of 2) Hi! What are you fond ... ? a) in b) on c) about d) of 3) Hi! What are you crazy ... ? a) in b) on c) about d) of 4) I am ... on playing computer games. a) good b) interested c) bad d) keen 5) I like ... tea with a sandwich. a) drink b) to drink c) drinks d) drinking 6) Hi Sally! What are you interested ... ? a) into b) on c) of d) in 7) She is good ... playing tennis. a) at b) on c) in d) of 8) She is .... about dancing! She loves it!  a) fond b) keen c) crazy d) bad 9) She is fond ... cooking!  a) of b) on c) at d) about 10) He loves ... songs in karaoke. a) sings b) sang c) singing d) sing 11) I ... really interested in learning English. a) do b) can c) am 12) He ... really fond of shooting videos. a) does b) can c) am d) is 13) I really like ....! a) swim b) swims c) swiming d) swimming. 14) She is good ... cooking!  a) in b) on c) at d) about 15) We are keen ... watching films together. a) in b) of c) at d) on 16) I ... stand going to school on Saturday!  a) don`t b) an not c) can d) can`t 17) He is bad ... painting! He hates it! a) on b) in c) at d) of 18) She is .... in doing sports.  a) interested b) good c) bad d) keen 19) They are keen on ... ! a) danceing b) dancing c) dance d) dances 20) He is crazy ... videogames!  a) of b) on c) at d) about

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