Team - A group of players, Cleats  - The player's shoes, Referee - The man who judges the match, Field - The local where the match takes place, Qatar - The country where the World Cup will be, Offside  - This is a violation that happens when an offensive player (from the other team) passes a ball when there aren’t defensive players between the person passing the ball, Kick off - This is the way a game is started or restarted, Foul - A violation of the rules, and the opposition is rewarded with a free kick, Yellow/Red Cards  - Unsportsmanlike behavior, minor and serious violations, FIFA - The official international governing body of soccer, and established the World Cup back in 1930, Forward - Also known as the striker, this position’s main job is to score a goal., Corner Kick - A kick from the corner of the field when the ball goes out of bounds, last touched by a defensive player, Warm up  - Uses lots of touches and dribbling to raise the heart rates and body temperatures of players, Dressing Room  - A place where players can change and get ready for their game.,



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