1) Adiuvare a) to make b) to help 2) accusare a) to say b) to accuse 3) aedificare a) to make b) to build 4) agere a) to do b) to think 5) ambulare a) to speak b) to walk 6) amare a) to carry b) to love 7) aperire a) to make b) to open 8) audire a) to listen b) to scream 9) bibere a) to eat b) to drink 10) cado, cadere a) to fall b) to break 11) capio, capere a) to catch b) to smell 12) celo, celare a) to smell b) to hide 13) claudo, claudere a) to open b) to close 14) cognosco, cognoscere a) to know / to recognize b) to search 15) cupio, cupere a) to want b) to care 16) curo, curare a) to take care of b) to break 17) curro, currere a) to make b) to run 18) demonstro, demonstrare a) to show, to demonstrate b) to pick up 19) dico, dicere a) to smile b) to say 20) discedo, discedere a) to leave, go away b) to run 21) facio, facere a) to do b) to break 22) festino, festinare a) to drive b) to rush 23) fugio, fugere a) to run away b) to smile 24) iacio, iacere a) to throw b) to write 25) libero, liberare a) to make free, to free b) to close 26) maneo, manere a) to stay b) to clean 27) mitto, mittere a) to smell b) to send 28) moveo, movere a) to move b) to break 29) nolo a) I don't want b) I want 30) volo a) I want b) I need 31) paro, parare a) to bake b) to prepare 32) porto, portare a) to provoke b) to carry 33) possum a) I can / I am able to b) I am not able to 34) pugno, pugnare a) to smell b) to fight 35) relinquo, relinquere a) to leave b) to make 36) habeo, habere a) to have b) to sleep 37) timeo, timere a) to be happy b) to be afraid 38) traho, trahere a) to pull b) to love 39) vivo, vivere a) to sleep b) to live 40) voco, vocare a) to call b) to cry 41) appropinquo, appropinquare a) to apologize b) to approach 42) ardeo, ardere a) to water b) to burn 43) celebro, celebrare a) to think b) to celebrate 44) custodio, custodire a) to guard b) to take 45) disco, discere a) to learn b) to party 46) explico, explicare a) to explain b) to make 47) fero, ferre a) to carry b) to smile 48) fluo, fluere a) to flow b) to fly 49) pono, ponere a) to put b) to bring along 50) quaero, quaerere a) to search b) to make 51) salio, salire a) to jump b) to stand up 52) spiro, spirare a) to spread b) to breathe 53) taceo, tacere a) to be silent b) to make noise 54) verto, vertere a) to spin around b) to make


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