Alex is happy because he ____ got a new puppy yesterday. The puppy is only two weeks ____. She ____ brown and black fur and her belly is ____ like a circle. When Alex and his dad went to buy her, there were lots of cute puppies to choose from. Dad said, "Alex, you can pick ____ puppy you would like to ____ home." There ____ so many puppies! Alex liked all of them! "I ____ I want all of them, Dad!" said Alex. "You can only have one," said Dad. "Pick the puppy which makes you feel the most happy." Just then, one little girl puppy jumped up on Alex's lap. She licked him on the face. She did not ____ with one lick. She licked him ____ and again! Alex smiled. ____ he said, "Dad, I want this puppy! I think I will name ____ Happy." Dad smiled too. "Good idea, Alex. Let's take her home!"

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