Fredonian Rebellion - Edwards lost his land grant but "declared independence" and ended up losing to the Mexican government. , Mier y Teran Report - A general was sent to Texas to observe. He stated that Texas was growing too fast and more Mexican Troops needed to be sent, no more trading with the US, etc. , April 6, 1830 - Suspended empresario contracts, placed taxes on goods from the US, and stopped all immigration from the US. , Anastacio Bustamante - Centralist President of Mexico, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna - Federalist general in the Mexico military, Turtle Bayou Resolutions - People living in this town wrote statements declaring their loyaty to Mexico (just not the government) AND declared their support to Santa Anna. , Consultation of 1835 - A meeting to decide how Texans should handle Santa Anna's broken promises. War or peace?,

Road to Revolution Marc Charles


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