Personification: "Then the air left his lungs and seemed to take all hope with it.", There was only heat, the sun already baking the air, even though it was long before noon.", Imagery: "The smudge on the horizon gained color as Nya drew nearer, changing from hazy gray to olive green.", "They all looked as though they had been in a terrible fistfight.", "pressed her lips against the pain", "She could even drag it behind her, bumping it against the ground and raising a tiny cloud of dust with each step.", "The juices dripped and sizzled. A delicious smell filled the air.", Onomatopoeia: BOOM!, ACK-ACK-ACK-ACK-ACK-ACK-ACK!, CRACK! POP-POP-CRACK!, "the buzz of insects, the rustling of dry leaves", Repitition: "Where is my family? Where is my family?", "To the pond and back--to the pond and back", "Men and women, boys and girls, old and young, walking, walking...walking to nowhere.", Simile: "Overhead, a jet plane veered away like a sleek evil bird.", "Nothing had ever tasted so good as those pieces of honeycomb dripping with rich, luscious gold sweetness.", Metaphor: "His belly was a rounded lump stuffed full of honey and beeswax.", "Salva felt his knees turn to water.", Alliteration: "poke and prod", "nothing, nobody", "good grazing",

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