Are there any types of food which you know are very (fat) .................. but which you can't resist?, Do you have many things in your house such as paintings, plants or ornaments to (bright) .................. it up? How about your bedroom, If you drink tea or coffee, how much sugar do you add to (sweet) .................. it?, Do you like listening to (deaf) .................. music? Does it bother you if others play loud music?, If you were asked to describe your main (strong) .................. and weaknesses at a job interview, what would you say?, Do you have a good head for (high) .................. or do you hate being at the top of tall buildings?, Is it (advise) .................... for young people to move out from their family homes?, Do you find learning languages (relate) ....................... easy or hard?, Have you ever been (fair) ...................... dismissed from a job?, Can you remember the greatest (disappoint) ...................... you've had?.

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