: I'm off, It's my treat/ It’s on me, I tell you what, Me neither / neither do I, Sorry, I'm in rush, Sorry to bother you., Every now and then, Fair enough, I couldn't care less, I don't have a clue., I can't make up my mind, Make yourself at home., I know what you mean, I'm absolutely knackered, It's up to you, No worries, If you say so, It's boiling in here!, Let me sleep on it, What pain in the neck., Who cares!, You made my day!, How are you? I can't complain, I get the picture, I’m easy, See you in a bit, Sorry, I didn't catch that, Thanks anyway! , That's bullshit!, There's no point, What a shame, Where shall we meet? , By chance, It's all greek to me, I feel blue, I am over the moon, shake a leg bro, see if I care,


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