Capacitation ____/ final physiological changes of spermatozoa// increase sperm ____/ structure. Sperm ready to approach/ contact secondary oocyte. To enable spermatozoa to ____ membrane surrounding the egg/ corona radiata. Sperms contacts the egg’s jelly coat. ____ ____ enzymes released from the acrosome to digest/ penetrate the jelly coat / ____. Membrane protein of sperm binds to receptor on egg membrane. Fusion of sperm head and ____ membrane Plasma membrane of sperm fuses with plasma membrane of secondary oocyte. Trigger ____ of oocyte membrane / cause immediate depolarization of secondary oocyte’s plasma membrane// refers to ____ to polyspermy// prevents more than one sperms enter secondary oocycte. Sperm’s nucleus is taken into cytoplasm. ____ ____ releases its contents / enzymes. Harden the zona pellucida// acts as ____ to polyspermy. Secondary oocyte completes its ____ division /meiosis II. Male and female pronuclei / nuclei fuse to form (diploid) ____.

Discuss the stages that lead to fertilization a human


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