1) 1: Andy ordered shrimp with onion rings and a piece of pizza. How much did he pay? a) A. b) B. c) C. 2) 2: What activity did Sam do most often in June? a) A. b) B. c) C. 3) 3:How many times did Sam go to the movies? a) A. b) B. c) C. 4) 4: What is true about this picture? a) A.   b) B. c) C. 5) 5: Please look at Picture C again. What is true about Steve? a) A. b) B. c) C. 6) 6. What would you like to have for dinner tonight?  a) 6. A. I usually eat dinner at 7:00.  b) B. I'd like to have chicken. c) C. I'll stay home with my kids. 7) 7. I took some medicine for my fever this morning. a) 7. A. How could you do that?  b) B. I told you so, didn't I? c) C. Are you feeling better now? 8) 8. Will you go to Kenting for your holidays? a) 8. A. Yes. And I can't wait.  b) B. O.K. Never mind. c) C. Well, nothing much. 9) 9. Daniel, you'd better take your umbrella with you. a) 9. A. I hope she'll understand.  b) B. I think you should try. c) C. I hate to carry it around. 10) 10. I've never seen such a crowd before. There must be more than a thousand people. a) 10. A. That's a lot of money.  b) B. They're here to see Jackie Chan. c) C. The other building is even taller. 11) 11. When are you going to clean your bedroom? a) A. After I finish studying.  b) B. With my sister's help. c) C. Only with clean water. 12) 12. This dress looks great on you. Have you lost weight? a) 12. A. I'll go shopping at the mall.  b) B. It wasn't ready when I arrived. c) C. I've actually gained a few pounds. 13) 13. Did Gillian tell you about her experience of being a fashion model? a) 13. A. Yes, right to the top.  b) B. Yes, during our last meeting. c) C. Yes, one of them is. 14) 14. How many of his paintings are at the art center? a) 14. A. On the sixth floor.  b) B. In thirty minutes. c) C. More than twenty. 15) 15. Has Hong Kong's subway system been in operation for a long time? a) 15. A. Yes, since the 1970s.  b) B. No, I sometimes take a bus. c) C. Well, they're doing fine. 16) Who is the woman probably talking to? a) A. Her European student. 16. A. 她的歐洲學生。 b) B. Her former classmate. B. 她以前的同學。 c) C. Her language teacher. C. 她的語文老師。 17) 17.What are the people discussing? a) A. A type of exercise.  b) B. Their science homework. c) C. A kind of music. 18) 18.Why will the man have to start work early? a) A. He has to open the store.  b) B. He has to visit the manager. c) C. He has to fix the door. 19) 19.What does the woman probably give to the man? a) A. A scarf.  b) B. A cap. c) C. A jacket. 20) 20.When is the man going to see the dentist? a) A. In the middle of the morning.  b) B. Early in the afternoon. c) C. Late in the evening. 21) What does the man tell the woman about? a) A. The new dishes.  b) B. His new job. c) C. A new habit. 22) 22. What does the man thank the woman for? a) A. Finding a parking spot.  b) B. Looking for an address. c) C. Taking him to see a doctor. 23) Why is the woman surprised? a) 23. A. The flowers aren't very expensive.  b) B. She wasn't expecting any flowers. c) C. The man doesn't appreciate flowers. 24) What does the man like to do? a) 24. A. Collect old furniture.  b) B. Make tables and chairs. c) C. Sell things on the Internet. 25) What sport are the speakers probably discussing? a) 25. A. Basketball.  b) B. Football. c) C. Baseball. 26) 26: Diane is leaving a voice mail message. Where is she calling from? a) A b) B c) C 27) 27: Roger is calling his friend. Where is Roger calling from? a) A b) B c) C 28) 28: A manager is speaking about company rules. Which man is dressed in the correct way? a) A b) B c) C 29) 29: A man on the radio is talking about a race. Who is winning right now? a) A b) B c) C 30) 30: Listen to a teacher showing young students pictures of animals. Which animal is she talking about now? a) A b) B c) C



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