1) Would you like ... tea? a) some b) any c) many d) a few 2) There isn't ... milk at home. a) any b) many c) a few d) a lot 3) I have got ... friends. a) a lot of b) many c) much d) any 4) He hasn't got ... money. a) much b) a lot c) many d) a few 5) You eat ... food! a) a lot of b) a lot c) much d) any 6) There are ... books on the desk. a) a few b) any c) many d) a little 7) I haven’t got ... friends. a) much b) some c) many d) a little 8) I know ... people. a) much b) a lot c) a little d) a few 9) Is there ... milk in the fridge? a) some b) many c) any d) a lot of 10) Is there ... homework for tomorrow? a) some b) a few c) much d) a lot 11) He’s got ... money! a) much b) many c) a lot of d) a few 12) I always drink ... coffee. a) a little b) many c) a few d) any


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