1) Yavuz is always late to school. He is not ...... a) generous b) punctual c) well built d) mean 2) What does he look like? a) He is clumsy. b) He is mean. c) He is generous. d) He is well-built. 3) My friend John aways makes jokes. He is ..... a) funny b) caring c) clumsy d) stingy 4) I don't like Nancy because she is..... She never tells the turth. a) friendly b) clumsy c) hardworking d) dishonest 5) "Hello, I'm Marry. My height is 150 cm and I am 60 kg. I always break something. I like make jokes and make friends easily. " What we cannot say about Mary? a) amusing b) clumsy c) outgoing d) punctual

appearance and personality. deneme


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